Suzanne DeSylva
I began painting in 1995. My initial art work looked like stick drawings. I often hear that term from people who believe they can’t draw or paint, or who picked up the idea from somewhere that they didn’t have any talent that way. I suspect that they learned that at an early age, as I did, but of course it is not true.
Anyway, for some reason I just kept doing art and I don’t know what happened but my art began to change. When my studio was built I moved out there and my work changed even more. My studio is surrounded by trees and wildlife. I think this is one of the things that changed my work the most. When I do artwork close to nature, my work seems to be a collaborative effort of all different energies.
You are welcome to visit my website and view my work. It will continue to change as I continue to respond. I am intrigued by the beauty and intelligence of lines, spaces and colours. They all have their story. The world around and within constantly speaks to me of things that can be painted.
We are fortunate that the human hand and eye and heart can follow a line in a leaf, or on a tree or stone and benefit from the tale it tells.

Greenscape Nursery
Rockwood, ON
Eramosa River Cafe
Rockwood, ON
La Toscana Ristorante
Milton, ON
The Bookshelf Bookstore & eBar
Guelph, ON
Seasons Fashions
Kitchener, ON
Group of Seven Women Exhibition
Women’s Lodge
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
November 2001
Cabbagetown Festival
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
September 2001 (juried)
Art Focus – 10th Fall Artists Showcase
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
September 2001
Art Focus Magazine – 2001
Government Savings Bank
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
June - August 2001
Omega Institute
Rhinebeck, New York, USA
October 2000